The EU provides funding in the form of grants for a broad range of projects and programmes covering areas such as education, research, health, consumer protection, environmental protection and humanitarian aid. If you are planning to build up projects with local or European partners and need funding, or if you intend to work with European institutions and be involved in such partnerships, EELI can build and fully manage your project.
Some of the key activities of the Department include:
- Technical assistance to public and private institutions in the development of EU proposals as well as with a stable network of trustworthy partnerships in all fields.
- Development and submission of applications for European programmes (Horizon2020, Erasmus+, Cosme, Creative Europe, ESF, Europe for Citizens, Progress, Grow, and others)
- Design and development of scientific research and studies
- Development and evaluation of training programmes
- Design and development of educational material for EFL teaching
EELI also participates in European programmes as a partner organization.
EELI provides public and private Institutions with technical assistance in the development of EU proposals as well as with a stable network of trustworthy partnerships in all fields.
The Institute’s expert team, specialised in several EU funded programmes, provides consultancy and guidance in relation to EU policies, funding rules and the planning of multilateral projects. European funding is managed according to strict rules so as to ensure that funds are managed in a transparent and accountable manner.
EELI participates in the following projects:
December 2023
The ExhiBIT project aims to provide museums with digital solutions for the inclusion of alternative voices in co-curated collections that enable the active participation of underrepresented communities in the new Phygital museum era. It recognizes as key EU priorities, the value of equitable participation for all and the potential of digital technologies in driving social participatory innovations for a more inclusive and sustainable EU future. ExhiBIT proposes the next step in the digitization of cultural heritage towards the sustainable development of inclusive museums, through the creation of a software application that transforms visitors into active curators in Phygital spaces, by developing an e-Booklet that will raise museum professionals’ awareness of the value of Phygital strategies for widening visitor engagement in a post-pandemic era, and a Guidebook for museum professionals that will upskill the latter on the use of the ExhiBIT app and the digitization of their collections.
Breaking the Patterns
European Cooperation projects: Creative Europe
January 2024
“Breaking the Patterns” is a two-year programme offering residencies, exhibitions, mentoring, and professional development opportunities.
The programme is designed to support and engage emerging visual artists who face barriers such as financial or social constraints, or lack of support. It targets artists at the early stages of their careers, those who have recently completed or are completing further education, and those passionate about becoming artists who seek support. The programme will foster creativity through international European art residencies, dedicated artistic mentorship, and professional development.
As a European project, “Breaking the Patterns” aims to promote talent development, professional growth, and new job opportunities in the cultural and creative industries. Seventy-two participants from Ireland, Portugal, Greece, and Spain will showcase their work in eight self-managed exhibitions across Dublin, Lisbon, Crete, and Seville. The programme will also facilitate participants’ understanding of the professional art world, including creativity, curating, and galleries, through a cycle of tutored activities and exhibitions.
Learn more at:
January 2024
The ECOPRENEURSproject aims to contribute to adaptation of VET to labour market needs, combat climate change, and address digital transformation by developing an innovative VET approach and engaging methods and tools to build and improve skills and knowledge of VET learners for sustainable entrepreneurship. The project delivers key results, including an ecopreneur competency profile, an educational online game on sustainable entrepreneurship, a VET teachers’ training guide, and a strategy for widespread adoption and implementation, that cohesively and comprehensively integrate these priorities. The project emphasises the development of practical skills, enabling learners to tackle challenges in sectors where sustainability and environmental concerns are crucial, in line with EU labour market needs. It develps an Ecopreneur Competency Profile that outline the required knowledge, skills, and attitudes for the VET learners, ensuring that the training pathway meets the demands of the market and promotes eco-friendly entrepreneurship. This profile aligns with the EU’s priority of preparing future generations to create and manage sustainable businesses, contributing to local and global sustainable development efforts.
learn more at:
November 2023
The FASHION-UP project aims to sustain the entrance of circular economy principles and incorporation of green practices within the artisanal tailoring business process by developing specific competences for clothes up-cycling. This will enable future professionals of this sector to turn unwanted products and textile waste into something of greater value, as well as to create the premises for their fruitful Labor Market placement. It also will promote an idea of entrepreneurship in the artisanal tailoring sector attentive to environmental/social sustainability issues, with special regard to the potential that could be expressed by youth & female entrepreneurship.
learn more at:
ProEnGaT: Promoting Entrepreneurship and Gastronomy Tourism
July 2023
The goal of ProEnGaT project is to contribute to the development of skills that will give access to trainees to the European labour market by providing them with competitive knowledge, reinforce their skills and competences and promote entrepreneurship education whilst stimulating European cooperation in Gastronomy Tourism. The project will exchange good practice examples among participating institutions on training and activities that promote gastronomy tourism and will develop training courses for young unemployed graduates of hospitality and nutrition related professions or young people not currently in education, employment or training, seeking an opportunity to enter the Gastronomy Tourism job market.
SHERLOCK: Partnerships for Innovation – Alliances Supporting the Energy Transition of the building stock
March 2023
The SHERLOCK project aims to boost innovation at European level by designing and implementing an original and advanced educational framework based on micro-credentials for upskilling the workforce and lifelong learning.It will integrate and combine a multidisciplinary green and digital skills portfolio towards the cooperation and knowledge exchange flow across different stakeholders, bolstering job creations and supporting the ambitious target of mass energy building retrofitting.
Erasmus+ KA220-VET program “DysinEdu”
January 2023
The Erasmus+ KA220-VET program “DysinEdu” is an innovative program that focuses on enhancing inclusive education and diversity in the fields of education and vocational training. It is implemented in collaboration with competent European organizations in these areas.
The main goal of DysinEdu is to create inclusive learning and work environments and empower learners/employees with disorders through information, analysis, and facilitation for a successful transition to the job market. It is designed to support learners and employees with specific learning disorders, such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, and other special learning disorders that affect reading, writing, spelling, math, and other cognitive processes.
With a multidimensional approach, DysinEdu strives to inform and provide comprehensive information about these disorders to educators, parents, employers, and the general public. Through thorough research, the program seeks to identify challenges faced by learners/employees with disorders and pinpoint effective interventions. Additionally, through specialized resources and collaboration with employers, it equips stakeholders with the necessary tools to create supportive environments. Its aim is to improve educational outcomes, employment opportunities, and overall well-being for learners/employees with disorders, creating a more equitable and supportive social environment for everyone.
EMPROVE: Empowering Professional Relatives in Europe
December 2022
The goal of the EMPROVE project is to support the quality of assistance for elderly by creating an innovative curriculum for the people who would like to train to become a Professional Relative. Professional Relative is a profession of geriatric care manager: someone who is with the family, who plans and supervises care. He/she has the appropriate preparation, experience and does not struggle with emotional baggage. This service has been operating in the United States since the 1970s, but is still new or even pioneer in European countries. The main aims of the EMPROVE project are to promote the quality of the education practices in the field of VET by creating a highly innovative training path leading to the acquisition of the competencies within one of the professions of the future – a Professional Relative, to improve the quality of life of the elderly and their families by offering them the professional care of a trained Professional Relative, to introduce innovative techniques in the field of healthcare of the elderly in constantly aging societies, to enhance cooperation opportunities between different European countries in the field of healthcare and improve the exchange of knowledge and experience in the field covered by the project.
Inclusive Education in action: Cognitive haptic teaching in VET System
November 2021-November 2024
The In.HAPTIC.VET project aims to develop and transfer to VET teacher and trainers an innovative teaching approach and tools for students with learning difficulties, exploiting the potential offered by Haptic training not yet applied to the VET system. The objectives of the project are, therefore, a response to the context and this problem. In particular, it intends to develop a training path and a smart device app for educators working with sight-impaired students by using haptic feedback and ASMR sounds. It also aims to identify and describe the VET Teacher Competency Profile towards the use of digital tools in didactic design and teaching students with disabilities.
Intercambio+ VET
September 2022
The Intercambio+ VET project aims at addressing gaps between language learning, Vocational Education and Training (VET) and the world of work. The project focuses on vocationally specific language learning and will work with partners in six different EU Member States to develop and pilot learning materials designed to support the development of conversation skills for specific economic sectors (Ecology and Conservation, Third Sector and the Social Economy, Cultural Heritage, Digital Media, Architecture, Construction and the Built Environment, Creative Industries).
VAMOOC – Virtual Assistant’s MOOC
December 2021
A Virtual Assistant is a person who provides administrative, creative or technical support services to other business owners. The aim of this project is to create a Massive Open Online Course for VET learners and entrepreneurs on how to work as a Virtual Assistant, considering the skills and knowledge to develop as well as the entrepreneurship skills specific to such jobs.
ACCED – Accelerating future Education online – in the time of the Virus
January 2021
Teaching methods are moving away from traditional methods and towards, online agile teaching, something COVID-19 is speeding up. The aim of this project is to support educators meet the real needs of their students and modernise the sector. It focuses on implementing a specific training program, a methodology and a certification to validate the training during the project implementation phase and beyond, to grant sustainability and make an impact.
IDiSI – Integration of Diversity and Social Inclusion
December 2020
Erasmus project focusing on the training of trainers in the context of diversity and social inclusion. Expand and develop the competencies of trainers of trainers, educators and other staff supporting adult learners, in order to promote the integration of diversity and social inclusion of the most disadvantaged and low-skilled learners. The aim is to improve teaching methods and tools through the effective use of innovative solutions and digital technologies.
ToFIE – Tools for Inclusive Education
October 2020
The project aims to enhance the knowledge and competences of educators of any discipline in the fields of Learning Disorders, promote their professional development and supply them with tools they can use in an educational context, aligned with their actual professional development needs. To this end we will develop a comprehensive Handbook of good practices and tools and a Course on Learning Disorders that will support the inclusion and participation of students with learning disorders, with a focus on the eventual special needs of foreign students whose first language is other than the language of instruction.
VX Designers
October 2020
KA201 project that will provide young people with more meaningful experiences and learning, especially in exhibition and museum settings. VX Designers objective is to create a methodology to make the most of exhibitions as a pedagogical tool to develop students skills in an inclusive way, and to provide teachers and students with the tools to create their own virtual exhibition for learning. Targeted at learners who would benefit from curating their own exhibition, and so making a museum a centre for active, rather than passive, learning.
LeCoLe – Learners as Co-Creators of their own Learning
October 2020
Erasmus+ KA2 project aiming to encourage active engagement of learners in planning, implementation and evaluation of the learning process at school and beyond in order for them to become co-creators of their own learning within collaborative learning process. Create innovate learning approaches that educators can use to enable student led learning, which will boost creativity, collaboration, technological competencies, responding positively to mistakes and improve decision making.
All podcasts are available in partners’ languages and in English, and are published both on and
Our topics are the following:
a. Designing co-created projects in post-primary education
b. Co-creation in Primary Education
c. How Educational Technologies can Support Co-creation
d. Interdisciplinarity for Co-creation in schools
e. Promoting Students’ Civic Engagement in Teaching-Learning process
f. Self-led Learning and Co-creation
g. Using Cultural Experiences as a Resource in the Study Process
Click on the links below and have a listen!
Find here the Desk research for the context mapping in partner countries and complementary materials to podcasts: useful web-tools and websites; case studies; lesson ideas; research about co-creation.
PR.E.S.T.O. – Promoting people with disability transnational mobility
September 2020
The goals of the project include raising awareness of VET managers and host SMEs on how to involve people with ID in mobility paths, to correct and discourage the widespread prejudice regarding the capacities of people with ID in ordinary workplaces, to increase the number of companies and SMEs willing to host participants with ID within mobility projects and to increase the number of VET Providers willing to involve people with ID in their mobility projects. KA204 Erasmus project to promote the social inclusion and to facilitate the transition to the labour market of people with intellectual disabilities thanks to their involvement in transnational mobilities. The outputs will include a defined path of how people with intellectual disabilities can take part in transnational mobility projects, update the methods of involving people with ID in VET and create a network of hosting SMEs and NGOS.
Changing the Climate for lifelong learning through sustainability
September 2020
This is an adult education project with the aim of empowering learners in relation to the connection of global and local actions, specifically relating to climate change goals. Equip participants with the skills needed for sustainable development and promote their competencies relating to becoming global citizens.
Valorising migrants’ experience to increase their occupational skills – VAMOS
January 2020
Our project, VAMOS, is an Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership in VET and aims to design, develop and provide a specific training to migrant populations that will allow them to increase their employability in the Third Sector, by acquiring specific competences that facilitate social and labour inclusion of other migrants.
Some of these competences will be:
‐ Intercultural mediation.
‐ Career guidance.
‐ Communicative skills.
‐ Psychological support.
‐ Basics on Migration legislation.
‐ Identification of competences.
Flash Mind- Visual learning for inclusive pedagogy
January 2020
Flashmind is an Erasmus+ KS2 strategic Partnership for School Education.
This project intends to develop the first European platform that will set up a learning path based on tools and methods combining image + text / image + sound / text + sound, with a special focus on STEAM skills.
This learning path will take place in three main stages:
1) The creation of visual lessons in the form of video clips, animated slideshows etc.
2) The reorganization of key lesson information into mental maps.
3) The library of flash cards offered and the possibility to create one’s own flash cards.
The Flash Mind platform will also offer resources for teachers such as a pedagogical guide on the creation and use of its resources and tools as well as tools and learning methods based on visual pedagogy.
School policies to tackle and detect fake news – SPOTTED
November 2019
This new Erasmus+ KA2 project will last 32 months and aims to create a platform for young people, parents, and teacher alike, in order to contribute to the enrichment of the young generation’s media literacy and critical thinking, so they don’t fall victim to misleading info, bountiful in our media and technology-rich era.
In order to achieve that, various tools (Intellectual Outputs) will be created. An “Online assessment tool for media literacy”, to test young people’s abilities to detect fake news, “Guidelines on Media & Information literacy for schools” aimed at teachers and an “Online Disinformation e-Learning” to teach young people how to evaluate the info they are exposed to online.
3D printing in VET
October 2019
The Erasmus+ KA2 VET project “3D printing in VET” aims to introduce the use of 3D printing in education and to provide a competitive training programme specific to VET teachers and educators, which will provide them with the knowledge, skills and competencies needed for the use of 3D printing technology in an educational environment.
Aim of the project is to introduce the use of 3D Printers in Vocational Education and Training in Europe. In order to introduce the use of 3D printers in partners countries, the project consortium will develop a training programme on 3D printing use for teachers/ educators and students. The aim of the project is to improve the effectiveness and adequacy of the existing training practices in the sector and to promote the training of VET teachers and trainers and the use of 3D printers in various educational courses being taught in EU vocational schools.
AuTrain – Development of a certificated training course for “autism officers
October 2019
This Erasmus+ VET project project will develop an open online platform for non-professionals dealing with autistic people.
AuTrain aims at developing and implementing a comprehensive online-platform with information and advise on Autism Spectrum Disorders.
The platform will be used for information and awareness raising in terms of the daily life participation of autistic people, as the important basis of social inclusion, and will also be used for a panEuropean exchange of information and opinions of experts in science and practical work in the field of autism.
The platform will contain the curriculum plus all the needed teaching and training material for the additional professional qualification course “autism officer” as one main result of AuTrain.
3DJail – Printing the future
October 2018
The “3DJail – Printing the future” project is an Erasmus+ KA2 project, Strategic Partnership in the field of Adult Education and its purpose is to develop the technical and digital skills needed to install and use 3D printers. During the project, the consortium partners will develop and test a training programme for prisoners aiming to upgrade their digital skills and enhance their employability.
Reducing Early Leaving in VET – RELiVET
October 2018
Τhe European Educational project “Reducing Early Leaving in VET – RELiVET” is an Erasmus+ /KA2 Strategic Partnerships in the field of Vocational Education and Training. Its main goal is to develop a training programme, specifically designed for Vocational Education and Training staff, which will advise on new supportive strategies that can prevent school leaving and keep students coming from disadvantaged backgrounds in Education and Training.
October 2018
The international project entitled “Intercultural Training for Educators – InterTrainE” is funded by the EU (Erasmus+ Programme/ KA2 action/ Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education) and has 7 partners in 4 countries (UK, Finland, Italy, Greece). Its aim is to develop a training programme for educators teaching adult migrants.
REMINT, Refugees and Migrants Inclusion Toolkit
October 2017
The Erasmus+ KA2 project REMINT, aims to give a contribution to a wider use of non-traditional teaching methods that can be able to make the learning of this essential skills set (a “Toolkit”) easier, more motivating and more effective for these groups of beneficiaries: asylum seekers, refugees and migrants
IIEF – Inclusion and Integration in Europe for experts in pre-school education, youth and social work (Erasmus+ /ΚΑ2 Strategic partnerships)
October 2017
The aim of the project is the collection of best practises that help the integration of socially vulnerable groups.
“Helping Students with Learning Disabilities – Dyslexia“ (Erasmus+/ KA2 Strategic Partnerships for adult education)
November 2016
The main project objective is adapting, testing, and disseminating an integrated system of transferable teaching materials to aid the education/training/decision-
making process in the following target groups: teachers, psychologists, psychiatrists, and entrepreneurs in the Non-Governmental education sector. The project aims to equip teachers, tutors and others with a duty of care for dyslexic students, with the ability to teach and support them successfully and efficiently by developing new educational skills; this, in turn, will provide the students with access to both knowledge and to the labour market.
“TALKING – Transactional Analysis Learning for Kneeling over the INtercultural Gap” (Erasmus+/ KA2 Strategic Partnerships for adult education)
November 2016
The TALKING project aims to upgrade the skills of educators engaged in training activities in adult education involving immigrants. It refers to the communicative and relational competencies that are necessary to manage an educational relationship between people of different cultures and languages. It forecasts the development of activities such as implementation, delivery and dissemination of an innovative methodology, based on the principles of Transactional Analysis.
“Guidelines for the work inclusion of refugees and asylum seekers” (Erasmus+/ KA2 Strategic Partnerships for VET)
November 2016
The aim of the programme «Guidelines for the work inclusion of refugees and asylum seekers» is to search and record the qualifications required by professionals working on refugee’s integration and hosting services and to match these skills with formal and informal education according to the European Credit system for Vocational Education & Training (ECVET). The final outcome of the project will be the publication of guidelines aiming to improve the technical preparation of the practitioners and the efficiency of the services provided. In this way the project will support the evaluation of the Reception System for refugees in Europe (Reg.UE 516/2014), and the communication of innovative practices and effective tools, as these will arise through the comparative analysis of the services provided in partner countries.
VAMOOC – Virtual Assistant’s MOOC
December 2021
A Virtual Assistant is a person who provides administrative, creative or technical support services to other business owners. The aim of this project is to create a Massive Open Online Course for VET learners and entrepreneurs on how to work as a Virtual Assistant, considering the skills and knowledge to develop as well as the entrepreneurship skills specific to such jobs.