PR.E.S.T.O: Participation of people with intellectual disabilities in Erasmus + mobility programmes
A few days ago, the European Education and Learning Institute of Rethymno (EELI) implemented the last and most important action of the European program PR.E.S.T.O. This action concerns the transnational mobility of people with intellectual disabilities from Rethymno for the purpose of internships in tourist companies in Rome.
PR.E.S.T.O is a European research project that started in 2020 and is expected to be completed in early 2023. The programme aims to promote the mobility of people with intellectual disabilities in Europe by informing Vocational Education and Training institutions on how they can involve people with intellectual disabilities in mobility programmes.
In addition, the project aims to address and combat the widespread prejudice that exists towards people with intellectual disabilities and their ability to work, with the aim of increasing the number of companies, willing to accept participants with intellectual disabilities for internships as part of the implementation of mobility programs.
The aim of the program is also to highlight the importance of the professional and social autonomy of people with intellectual disabilities, both for themselves and for their family and their social environment, so that in the future, people with intellectual disabilities can equally work, study and participate in society’s actions.
In this context, EELI in collaboration with the Association of Parents Guardians and Friends of people with autism in Rethymno, and the Italian institutions Aipd (Associazione Italiana Persone Down) and Consorzio Ro.Ma, held in November an Erasmus + mobility internship, sending 4 people with autism from Rethymno to work in two very popular Hostels in Rome.
During this time, the trainees had the opportunity to get acquainted with the way that the hotel units work, undertook professional duties of housekeeping, care of common areas and meal preparation. Finally, the participation of trainees in the mobility program resulted in:
- την αναβάθμιση των επαγγελματικών τους προσόντων,
- upgrading their professional qualifications,
improving their foreign language skills,
broadening their cultural and geographical horizons,
the development of their autonomy, self-esteem, motivation and diligence, andthe ability to live and participate in educational activities abroad.